- Connect This With BMS
- Balance & Equilize Cells
- Get More Mileage & Back UP
- Best for Big battery Pack
- For 8s LifePO4 Lithium
An active balancer or equilizer, balance you cells all the time during discharge and charge and maintain same voltage level along with the whole battery, Provides a lot better back up and mileage than a normal battery pack. Connect the balancer along with the bms Module. Balancer does not do work of BMS, make sure BMS and balancer both are different. Balancer make battery balance and give more back up and mileage, and helps your battery to maintain the long life. You can use this balancer to Any ah battery like 12ah, 18ah or 50ah 100ah etc.
Balancer Specification -
Suitable - 8S LifePO4 24volt
Operating voltage range: 2.8v to 3.65volt
Balance current: 2Amps Max
Adjacent voltage difference is 0.1V or more (current is about 0.5-0.7A);
Adjacent voltage difference is above 0.2V (maximum balance current is 2A);
The smaller the differential voltage, the smaller the balance current.
package Include -
1. Balancer Unit
2. Balancer Wires
8s 2Amps Active Balancer Equalizer for LifePO4 Lithium Phosphate Battery
Bulk Discount
Country Of Origin : India