- 71.4v Output
- 6 Amps Fast Charger
- Auto Cutoff Charger
- Full charge Indicator
- Inbuilt Cooling Fan
- Fuse Protection
Are you looking for a 71volt charger, You are in correct place. You get the best quality charger from us. This charger has all the necessary feature that you need on a modern charger. This Lithium Battery Charger (Auto cutoff) with indicator. Fast Balance Charger. This is Electric bike or Scooty Lithium Ion battery Charger. This charger is suitable for 60v(17s) Lithium Ion Battery and 60v(20s) LifePO4 or lithium iron Phosphet Battery. Special Cooling fan inbuilt to cool the inner circuit. Special Fuse protection also there.
Charger Specification -
Charging Voltage - 71.4v
Charging Current - 6Amps
Special AutoCutoff Features with balance Charger will Cutoff charging when battery is full charge. If you purchase Batttery & charger from us then we provide compatible Charger male and female connector for your Battery.
Package Include -
1 x charger
71.4volt 6Amps Fast Auto Cutoff Electric Bike,Scooty Lithium Battery Charger
Bulk Discount
3 Days Return Policy available with this item from date of delivery.
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